Friday, July 25, 2014

Power System

Energy plays a vital role in day to day life of human being for overall development of the country and the world. We know different forms of energy such as wind, solar, thermal, etc. Our dependency on energy is such that without it our life become somewhat cumbersome. For instance, if electricity goes off for a minute we stigmatize the Power Supply Authority.
Electrical Power System-

Electrical Power System 

Electrical Power System- Generation, Transmission, Distribution
Electrical Power System-Generation, Transmission and Distribution
We need to understand that there aren't so much storage of coal, natural gas, so we had to move on Non Conventional Energy Sources e.g. wind, tidal, solar. 
There are various uses of Electrical Energy in different fields such as for domestic purpose, where it is used for heating, cooking, refrigeration, light etc. Also it is used in industries, commercial complexes, irrigation purposes, etc.

To satisfy everyone's need, supply utilities provide electrical energy via a network which is known as Power System. 
Block diagram of Electrical Power System-

As Law of Conservation states, energy can neither be created nor be destroyed, it can be converted from one form to another; power stations converts some of energy into electrical energy.
It mainly consist of two parts, one is turbine and other is alternator for example, turbine converts s\some form of energy into Mechanical form and then alternator converts it into Electrical form. The generated electricity is in the form of 3� which is step up in power station. Then it's transmitted to by transmission line over a long distance and then it's stepped down in distribution substation to utilization level. The step up and step down process is done by transformer. 
After that electrical energy is distributed to different consumers.

Meaning of few technical words:-
  • Step Up:- Increasing the magnitude of voltage without change in frequency by transformer.
  • Step Down:- Decreasing the magnitude of voltage without changing its frequency by transfromer

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