Thursday, December 31, 2015

Necessity of Connecting Alternator in Parallel

For high efficiency of operation, reliability, convenience and economy in maintenance and repair and possibility of additions to plant with the growth in load on the power station the alternators are put in parallel.
Alternator in parallel
Circuit diagram for connecting alternators in parallel
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Continuity of supply:-

The continuity of supply is one of the important requirement of any electrical apparatus. If one alternator fails, the continuity of supply can be maintained through other units. This will ensure uninterrupted supply to consumer.


The load on the power system varies during whole day, being minimum during the late night hours. Single alternator operate most efficiently only when delivering full load, units can be added or put off depending upon the load requirement. This permit the efficient operation of the power system.

Maintenance and repair:-

It is often desirable to carry out routine maintenance and repair of one or more units. For this purpose, the desired unit can be shut down and the continuity of supply can be maintained through other units.

Load Growth:-

The load demand is increasing due to the increasing use of electrical energy. The load growth can be met by adding more units without disturbing the original installation.

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