Thursday, November 15, 2018

How to make easily auto ON/OFF Rechargeable Emergency light.

Make easily auto ON/OFF Rechargeable Emergency light. 

How to make easily auto ON/OFF Rechargeable Emergency light,How to make Rechargeable Emergency light.

Are you want to know How to make easily auto ON/OFF Rechargeable Emergency light then this post will be helpful for you. Actually, we are going to know two things Inside an Emergency Light and How to make easily auto ON/OFF Rechargeable Emergency light. 

            Internal parts and circuit diagram of an Auto ON/OFF Rechargeable Emergency light are given below. So using this circuit diagram you can make easily auto ON/OFF Rechargeable Emergency light. The circuit diagram is very simple.
                At first, let's see what inside an auto ON/OFF Rechargeable Emergency light. As you see in the picture there is a LED panel, a Transformer, and a simple circuit board in the Emergency light.

How to make easily auto ON/OFF Rechargeable Emergency light, Internal circuit of emergency light,How to make Rechargeable Emergency light.

                       Here a 9V-0-9V Center trapped Transformer is used for step down the voltage 230V to 9V. Diodes are used for make rectifier circuit. A 12V relay is used for automatic of the led when it connected to the power supply and in this time battery is charging. When the emergency light unplugged from the power supply automatically Led will be glow and the LED takes power from the battery. See the below circuit diagram for better understanding.

How to make easily aauto ON/OFF Rechargeable Emergency light, Internal circuit of emergency light,How to make Rechargeable Emergency light.

Let's make an auto ON/OFF Rechargeable Emergency light:    

Apparatus Required:

1. No of LEDs which you want to connect.
2. A 9V-0-9V center tapped Transformer.
3. A 12V Relay.
4. Four diodes
5. 25V/1000micro-farad electrolytic capacitor
6. Switch
7. Wires
8. A 6V rechargeable battery.

How to make easily auto ON/OFF Rechargeable Emergency light, Internal circuit of emergency light,How to make Rechargeable Emergency light.

                         See the above circuit diagram carefully and make the circuit. In the circuit diagram, only 9 LEDs are shown. You can connect any no. of LEDs according to your requirement. Connect the LEDs in series and parallel according to your current and voltage rating and you can use the resistor.  Before connecting the Relay identify the NO, NC, and coil terminals.

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