Monday, December 17, 2018

Five things should be considered before buying the right mobile charger for your phone

Five things should be considered before buying the right mobile charger for your phone, how to choose the right mobile charger

In modern days we cannot live without the mobile phone. A mobile or you can say mobile battery can give good performance and backup if they are charged correctly by a right mobile charger. Most of the people face many problems when they have charged their mobile with a wrong charger like,

  • The charger takes a long time to charge the mobile.
  • The mobile charger becomes very hot.
  • The charger gets damage after using some months.
  • The mobile battery may get damage.

Many people have confused when they are want to buy the right mobile charger. They cannot understand how to choose the right mobile charger.
So today I will explain easily how to choose the right charger for your phone.

The things should be considered before buying the right mobile charger for your phone

The ratings of the mobile charger which should be considered when buying the charger are,
  1. Input Voltage Rating 
  2. Output Voltage Rating
  3. Output Current Rating
  4. Insulation Symbol
  5. Quality of the charger
Each thing are explained below,

How to choose the input voltage rating of a mobile charger?

When you go to the buy a mobile charger you will see that there is some mobile charger which has the input voltage rating 200-240V, some charger has 240V and some charger has 100-240V.
Sometimes in our house or office low voltage occurs for a considerable time but you need to charge mobile immediately. In this case, you can not charge your mobile by the mobile charger which has the input voltage rating 200-240V or 240V. You just need the mobile charger of 100-240V rating. 

The other advantage of choosing 100-240V rating is that we already know that the standard voltage rating of USA 120V. So if you select the 100-240V rating charger you can charge your mobile in India as well as in the USA.
So always choose the input voltage rating which is 100-240V

How to choose the Output Voltage Rating of a mobile charger?

Normally most of the mobile charger has the Output Voltage Rating of 5V DC. Most of the mobile phone also supports 5V DC voltage. So choose the output voltage rating 5V DC.

But remember that if your phone has a different voltage rating then you must buy the same voltage rating charger as your phone voltage rating. Low voltage rating charger cannot charge your mobile or other gadgets in a proper time duration. The high voltage rating charger can damage your mobile.

How to choose the Output Current Rating of a charger?

The choosing of the output current is very important. Always choose the higher output current rating charger. Lower current rating charger takes more time to charge your phone. A 5V-1A rating charger takes more time to charge than a 5V-2A rating charger. 

You can choose the current rating larger than your device current rating, it cannot damage your device. For example, your device or the battery has the current rating 5V-1A, you can choose the charger of 5V-2A. But you must remember that the voltage rating of the charger should not be larger than your device voltage rating.

The problems which you will face if you select the lower current rating charger are,
  1. The charger will take a long time to charge your device.
  2. The charger will be hot quickly and it may be damaged.

Insulation Symbol on the mobile charger:

Safety is the most important thing in our life. Check the insulation symbol of the mobile charger when you buy a mobile charger. The insulation symbol which is shown below indicates that the charger class II or double insulated. The DC output wires are insulated from AC input. This habit will give you safety from electrical shock.

Insulation Symbol on the mobile charger, how to choose the right mobile charger

How to choose a good quality charger?

A good quality charger has good output voltage regulation, low heating, good insulation, good output port etc. The good quality charger has some certification that can be identified by the symbols CE, MFI, RoHS on the mobile charger.

These are the five things should be considered before buying the right mobile charger for your phone. I have tried to explain in details. So if you like this article please do share this article with your friends on Facebook, WhatsApp, twitter etc.

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