Sunday, October 14, 2018

Amazing explanation to understand : What is Inductor, What is Inductance, Inductor Types, Use of Inductor.

What is Inductor, What is Inductance, Inductor Types, Use of Inductor.

 What is Inductor, What is Inductance, Inductor Types, Use of Inductor.

Most of Student, as well as most of the people, have many questions about Inductor, like What is Inductor? What is Inductance? Types of Inductor and Use of Inductor.
Even after reading many books, blogs we have many doubts about the basics of an Inductor. Before reading the details about an Inductor we must have clear knowledge about the basics of an Inductor.
We do always try to focus to give basic knowledge.

In this post, we only discuss the basics of an Inductor. Let,s known, What is Inductor?
                               A simple wire having a number of turns can be called an Inductor. You may have a question that why it is called inductor. The answer is because it has the property that is called Inductance. Now you have one more question that what is Inductance? The answer is Inductance is a property of a conductor which try to oppose the change in current which flows through this conductor. 
                            Now, this is the time to know how it opposes the change in current (This 'change in current' means the changes in magnitude or direction). When a current flowing through any conductor or wire it creates some magnetic flux. If the current not changing then the produced flux also constant. If the conductor having a number of turns and the current is changing then an EMF will be Induced as the flux linking with the turns changes. This induced EMF will try to oppose current. 
Actually, Inductance can be called as Self Inductance. In the case of DC, the current is constant so the inductance property does not exist. But in the case of AC, the magnitude and direction of current not constant so the Inductance exists. 

                         One very important thing that when we give DC supply to an Inductor flux will be produced. Then it is called an Electromagnet.
An inductor is a passive element. It can store energy in the form of the magnetic field. It can block the AC.
The unit of inductance is Henry.

Application of Inductor:

(1) It is used in filter circuits.
(2) It is used as an electromagnet.
(3) It is used in resonance circuits.

In this post, we only discussed What is Inductor? What is Inductance? Application of Inductor which is a very important topic before reading the details of an Inductor. 

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