Saturday, October 27, 2018

How a Hair Dryer Works? Hair Dryer Circuit Diagram.

How a Hair Dryer Works? Hair Dryer Circuit Diagram.

How a Hair Dryer Works? Hair Dryer Circuit Diagram.

The technology is getting better people are discovering new things for using in daily life which makes our life easier. Nowadays we have used a lot of electrical and electronic products for making easily our works. Hair Dryer is a very useful product. Most of the people use the hair dryer to dry their hair.

Are you know How a Hair Dryer Work? If you do not know How a Hair Dryer Work? then this article will be helpful for you. In this article, we are going to know "How a Hair Dryer Work? Hair Dryer Circuit Diagram".

History of Hair Dryer:

Before going to know "How a Hair Dryer Work?" let's know the history of the Hair Drayer. The concept of an electric hair dryer comes in 1890. In 1925, the first handheld electric hair dryer comes in the market. The Hair Dryer is also known as Blow Dryer.

Parts of a Simple Hair Dryer:

The construction of a Hair Dryer is very simple it has the following parts,
  1. Very hard Plastic Body. 
  2. Heating Element. 
  3. 12V or 24V DC Motor. 
  4. Switches. 
How a Hair Dryer Works, Hair Dryer Circuit Diagram, Internal circuit diagram of hair dryer,Hair dryer circuit diagram

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Heating Element in a Hair Dryer:

Every Hair Dryer has a Heating Element for Heating purpose. Most of the Heating Element is made up of Nichrome wire wound on an insulating material. A Heating Element of Hair Dryer is shown in the below picture. This heating element has tow coils of nichrome wire for controlling the temperature which is described in the working principle section.

How a Hair Dryer Works, Hair Dryer Circuit Diagram, Internal circuit diagram of hair dryer,Hair dryer circuit diagram

DC Motor used in Hair Dryer:

A fan is made by DC motor used in Hair Dryer which brings the air inside the Hair Dryer and after heating, we get a hot air. The DC motor is mainly of 24V. Now you may think how 24V DC motor runs on 230V AC. We already know that the Hair Dryer has a Heating element which has two coils. Actually, The DC motor is connected in series with one of the nichrome wire coils and the coil drops the voltage. A Bridge rectifier circuit using four diodes is used to convert AC to DC. If you see the circuit diagram carefully then you will understand better.

How a Hair Dryer Works, Hair Dryer Circuit Diagram, Internal circuit diagram of hair dryer,Hair dryer circuit diagram

Now you may think why DC motor is used instead of AC. The answer is described below,

Why DC Motor is used in Hair Dryer, not AC Motor?

We know that the speed of AC motor depends on supply frequency and the number of poles. We have 50Hz AC supply, and minimum two poles are possible in AC motor. So if an AC motor has two poles and 50Hz frequency then the speed the motor will be 3000rpm. But we need a high rpm. For this reason, DC motor is used in Hair Dryer not, AC motor.
Other reasons are; Low cost, high efficiency, long life etc.

Internal Circuit Diagram of Hair Dryer:

The internal circuit is shown in the below figure. There are many types of hair dryers are available in the market and they have different circuits. So the below circuit is given for Just to convince you. You just know that a hair dryer has a heating element having two coils. The DC motor is connected in series with the coil for drop the voltage.

How a Hair Dryer Works, Hair Dryer Circuit Diagram, Internal circuit diagram of hair dryer,Hair dryer circuit diagram

Working of a Hair Dryer:

The working of a Hair Dryer is very simple. When we plug in the Hair Dryer and turn the switch on the heating elements start heating and the electric fan has drawn air from outside. When the air passes through the hair dryer it becomes hot and at last, we get a hot air for dry our hair.

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