Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Effects of Electric Current - Magnetism and Electricity

Thermal Effect
The current flowing in a conductor always causes the conductor to become hot.  This is known as thermal effect as in an electric heater or electric iron.
Luminous Effect
When the temperature of the conductor is increased sufficiently, then light is emitted.  This is known as the luminous effect as in an electric bulb (i.e. incandescent lamp).  Light can also be obtained by ionizing the mercury or sodium vapor as in as fluorescent tube and sodium vapor lamp respectively.


Chemical Effect
When current flows through a certain liquid chemical known as electrolyte, Chemical changes occur in the liquid and in metals immersed in it and connected to the circuit.  This is known as the chemical effect as in battery charging.
Magnetic Effect
The current flowing in a conductor always produces a magnetic field around the conductor.  This is known as the magnetic effect as in an electric bell or electric motors.

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