Sunday, October 14, 2018

Why mobile phone or cell phone battery has more than two terminal?

Why mobile phone or cell phone battery has more than two terminal?

Why mobile phone or cell phone battery has more than two terminal?
Mobile phone battery

In the present day, the use of mobile phones increases very much.  The batteries of the mobile phone have more than two terminals. Some batteries have three terminals, and some batteries have four terminals.
We already know that battery gives DC power supply. And each battery has two terminals positive and negative terminal. But the mobile batteries have more than two terminals.

Let�s learn why mobile batteries have more than two terminals.

The terminals of the battery are,

1. Positive Terminal
2. Negative Terminal
3. Battery Status indicator terminal
4. Battery Temperature indicator terminal

The function of Battery Status indicator Terminal:

Battery Status indicator pin of the battery gives the information like the type and size of the battery to the Processor. That means when you plug in your battery to the mobile phone, this Battery Status indicator pin generates the signal which it sends to the Processor and then the processor will determine the type and size of the capacity of the battery which ultimately helps the processor to find out the voltage and current of the battery.

Another function of this pin is, if the phone is on and you suddenly remove the battery, the Battery Status indicator pin immediately interrupts and tells the processor to shut down all communications to prevent damage of your data or mobile phone.

The function of the Battery Temperature indicator Terminal:

This terminal gives the information to the processor regarding the temperature of the battery. This terminal is connected to the thermistor, which senses the temperature of the battery to prevent the battery from overheating. 

Let�s learn about three terminals battery:

Why a mobile phone or cell phone battery has more than two terminal
Three terminal battery

In three terminals battery, one terminal is the positive terminal, one is the negative terminal and another is Battery Status indicator or Battery Temperature indicator. Generally, the middle terminal is Battery Status indicator or Battery Temperature indicator. The middle terminal of the battery gives the information about charging current, voltage etc.

Let�s learn about four terminals battery:

Why mobile phone or cell phone battery has more than two terminal?

In four terminals battery, one terminal is positive terminal, one is negative terminal and others are Battery Status indicator and Battery Temperature indicator.
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