Monday, November 5, 2018

Concepts of Semiconductor Memory in Digital Circuit. Internal structure of Semiconductor Memory.

 Semiconductor Memory

Concepts of Memory in Digital Circuit. Internal structure of Semiconductor Memory. SD Cards.

I think all of you heard the word "Memory". There are many books and blogs where you can learn about the details of memory. Even some of you already know about Memory. But are you know how a Semiconductor Memory is designed. In this post, we are going to learn about the only basic concept of  Memory in Digital circuit and Internal structure of Semiconductor memory.

Semiconductor Memory in Digital Circuit: 

             Memory is a device which can store data in the form of binary. A semiconductor memory is used as a primary memory in the computer and other electronic devices. Most of the semiconductor memory is used Random Access Memory(RAM) because it has much faster access times than other types of data storage devices.

The internal structure of Semiconductor Memory:

Concepts of Memory in Digital Circuit. Internal structure of Semiconductor Memory.Semiconductor Memory.

                                              See the above diagram. The basic structure of memory is given in the above figure. As you see the above figure the memory is consisting of a no of registers. Each registers consisting of no of Flip-Flops. In the below figure each register consisting of 8 Flip-flops. Flip-flops are made by Logic Gates. And Logic gates are made by the transistor. So actually each bit of any binary data stored in a flip-flop. It also called memory cell.

             We already have known that a Flip-flop circuit can store one-bit data that means 0 or 1. So the whole memory is made by flip-flop circuits. As you see each register has 8 flip-flops so one register can store 8 bit or 1-byte data. In the majority of Memory Card, each register has 8 flip-flops.
Each register is indicated by a location that is called memory location or address. You can see according to the above figure the memory address starting from 0000 to FFFF.

 I hope you understood the concepts of Semiconductor Memory in Digital Circuit. The internal structure of Semiconductor Memory.

To better understand the concept of the Semiconductor memory you should know the below topics,

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