Friday, December 21, 2018

What is Semiconductor, example of semiconductor material, application of semiconductor

What is Semiconductor, the example of semiconductor material, application of semiconductor

What is Semiconductor, example of semiconductor material, application of semiconductor
image from Wikimedia

The semiconductor material is the heart of electronics engineering. We cannot think about electronics without semiconductor materials. Most electronics devices use semiconductor materials for making their internal components. Let�s learn about semiconductor very simply.
             Conductor means which conducts current. According to its name, �Semiconductor� implies that it cannot work completely as a conductor material, but it conducts current. So it is not a good conductor. On the other hand the semiconductor, not a good insulator. The electrical property of a semiconductor material lies between Conductor and insulator material.

Let�s learn why semiconductor is not a good conductor or not a good insulator.

Each material has two bands Conduction Band and Valance Band, and the gap between these two Bands is called Energy Band Gap. The free electrons of conduction Band participate in current conduction. In a semiconductor, the bonds between neighboring atoms are not very strong only moderately strong. Therefore this bond can easily break. When bonds are broken, electrons easily comes from valence band to conduction band which participates in current conduction. In the semiconductor, the energy band gap is very small.
What is Semiconductor, example of semiconductor material, application of semiconductor
image from Wikimedia

Properties of Semiconductor Material:

1. Semiconductor Material not a good conductor or not a good insulator, its electrical properties lies between Conductor and insulator material. 
2. If the temperature of the semiconductor is increased then its resistance will be decreased.

Types of semiconductor:

1. Intrinsic semiconductor: 

The semiconductor without any impurities is called Intrinsic semiconductor.

2. Extrinsic semiconductor: 

The semiconductor doped by suitable impurities is called Extrinsic semiconductor.

There are two types of Extrinsic semiconductors,

1. P-type (The semiconductor doped by trivalent atom)
2. N-type (The semiconductor doped by pentavalent atom)

Uses of Semiconductor Material:

Most of electronics component made by Semiconductor Material like Diode, Transistors, IC s etc.

Examples of Semiconductor Material:

Silicon(Si), Germanium(Ge)  

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